After November 15, 2006, I became a completely new person. It all began one chilly Wednesday night outside First Baptist's gym. I was sitting on the edge of the prickly stone wall of a flower bed, underneath a streetlight. The world seemed to stand still and my heart was beating extremely fast, as if something inside me wanted to take off like a helicopter: my sin wanted to flee; the walls protecting my heart wanted to shut. But, I sat there, for once in my life, with my heart open and ready to be transformed. The youth pastor I had only heard preach a few times knelt in front of me. He asked me to pray one simple prayer out loud. My mouth opened but my throat had closed; it was such a hard task to make myself speak. I opened my heart even more and my throat reluctantly opened. I prayed, and He took over everything else. I was changed. I physically looked different, which can be proven from looking at photos of before and after November 15, 2006. I was "on cloud nine". Nothing seemed impossible anymore... no more limits. Such an odd feeling for me, almost too scary. The walls came down for good. Everything before November 15th were my negatives, but since He exposed me in His light, I may develop through His grace, be washed clean from sin, and wonderfully prepared to be His beautiful picture.
(Taken right before I was baptized on January 21, 2007)