October 29, 2008

Snow in October?

On October 27th, I saw the first snow flurries of the year...it was about 7:50pm, I was on my way to a Geology exam review session. On October 28th, I woke up for my 8:00am class and noticed it was a little bit brighter in my room than usual. I looked outside and I found snow right outside my window..and there was about 2 inches, too! I woke my roommate up with the shout of "SNOW!"...I probably shouldn't have done that...it was 6:50am and she almost had a heart attack. :-) But it was amazing that there was snow in October! I took my shower quickly...layered clothes on thick...scarfed down an Otis Spunkmeyer Muffin and ran out the door with camera in hand...I had to get across campus to my Public Speaking class.....and take some snow pictures. Lets just say...it was slippery and extremely cold with 20 mph winds. It ended up snowing all day on Tuesday.

But it was warmer today, so now all the snow is melted... :-( 
I look forward to more SNOW this winter.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hey Sarah! It's Kristen from P31. How are you? I see you haven't updated your blog in a while...You've got a nice blog. You take some great pics too! Hope you're doing well & have a great end to your semester. :-) Blessings, Kristen